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Regenerating Real Forest

Our TRUE Forest model helps forests return faster while solving the leading cause of deforestation. 

Our reforestation methodology integrates valuable endemic forest plants with a variety of tree species to demonstrate the value of the forest and ensure more of it does not get cleared. We call this the TRUE Forest Model, which stands in stark contrast to standard reforestation or agroforestry schemes that usually involve fewer than 3 species and in perfect rows. We give Mother Nature a boost to reforest. We don't create tree monoculture plantations and call it a forest.

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We apply local traditional knowledge techniques in concert with modern successional and permaculture methods.


We practice a holistic, nutrient-dense, organic-only standard which speeds up the natural process of rapid reforestation to quickly repair degraded land. 



We commit to a biodiversity model of a minimum of 30 different species per hectare to grow like a natural forest. No rows, no plantations and no monoculture.



We only plant and introduce native species of trees, vines, bees, mushrooms, nuts and fruits. 

Our reforestation team brings back the forest from cleared, degraded land through Preparation, Planting and Pacts with land-owners.


Cleared tropical land often lacks nutrients and water retention abilities required for plant growth. We restore soil health, especially mycology networks to degraded land by manually spraying organic amendments, which has been formulated by agronomists in addition to investigating traditional terra preta biochar methods. 


We collect local tree seeds and grow seedlings in basic low-cost nurseries to protect them from heavy sun and rain that they lack without the natural canopy. We focus on species that will provide canopy cover to protect the soil and attract birds to organically introduce more seed species and help return the natural ecology.


We recognize that long-term relationships with farmers and indigenous communities are necessary to retain forests. For land-owners to benefit from our reforestation program, we require them to commit to zero deforestation and ensure they remain motivated to do so. To get this right, we provide training, market connections and non timber forest product assets including vanilla plants, fruit and nut tree seedlings, edible mushroom spores, medicinal plants and locally-built bee boxes in our projects.

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